Articles on Health by Couch to the Summit Performance Coaching
Articles on Health by Couch to the Summit Performance Coaching
Increasing Your Energy and Performance Through Nutrition: Red Blood Cell Creation Tips
I don’t have any special advantage—compared with normal people—that allows me to have the energy to adventure in the mountains as often as I do
The Couch to the Summit Philosophy – My Ten Elements of Health
Health professionals and scientists universally agree exercise is necessary for physical and psychological well-being. Defying exercise is like trying to defy the laws of nature and it appears life doesn’t seem to go optimally for any lifeform defying nature’s laws. In the end, nature finds a way to restore order and balance.
The Power of Nature to Heal
I’ve always believed being out in nature had many psychological and physical health benefits. Time in nature is not just leisure time for me, it’s an essential investment in my health. Old-time therapies suggesting people with ailing health go for walks outside in forests or near the sea were not merely incidental advice, they were really onto something.